Rafe bartholomew biography
RAFE BARTHOLOMEW is the author of Pacific Rims....
Pacific Rims
This book, published in 2010, began as a 9-month research grant to study overseas basketball and became my love letter to the Philippines.Still in print and available at online bookstores.
Two and Two: McSorley's, My Dad, and Me
A forthcoming memoir about growing up around and working at McSorley's Old Ale House, the landmark New York City pub where my father has been tending bar since 1972.Ira Glass in here talking about he doesn't know if The Nation magazine still exists?.
- › pacific-rims-interview-author-rafe-bartholomew.
- RAFE BARTHOLOMEW is the author of Pacific Rims.
- Author Rafe Bartholomew talks about the Philippines' unlikely love affair with basketball, the subject of his new book.
- + connections on LinkedIn.
To be published by Little, Brown May 9, 2017
Praise for Two and Two: "This is more than a story about a famous speakeasy where, for the price of a beer, you can still sit at the same tables where great writers like Joseph Mitchell, Eugene O'Neill, and e.e.
Cummings once sat and ruminated. This is a story about a father and son, both of whom toiled for years amidst the ghosts a hundred years past, when a group of hard working Irish Americans created one of New York's greatest institutions with nothing more than sweat, beer, liverwurst sandwiches, and an occ