Dietrich bonhoeffer a biography paperback
It is the remarkable story of Bonhoeffer's transformation from a "secular Lutheran" to a person of deep faith and eventually one whose faith cost him his life....
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography
Seller Inventory # VIB0800628446
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Eberhard Bethge's exhaustive biography of Bonhoeffer is recognized throughout the world as the definitive biography.
Victoria Barnett has now reviewed the entire translation for this edition, correcting hundreds of mistakes and omissions, and adding in sections from the German, for example, on Bonhoeffer's childhood, that have never before appeared in English.
About the Author: Eberhard Bethge was born in 1909 in Warchau, and attended the universities of Knigsberg, Berlin, Wien, Tbingen and Halle, receiving the Doctor of Divinity degree.
From 1935 to 1940 he assisted Dietrich Bonhoeffer at the preacher's seminary in Finkenwalde and, after the Gestapo closed the seminary, in the underground pastorates. In 1953 he became pastor of the German congregation in London.
He remained therre until 1961,