Dr james kroll biography samples

          James Kroll, a private-land deer manager from Texas, released his interim whitetail report for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources..

          As a more reasonable and realistic middle ground, Dr. James Kroll, suggests, shooting for optimum sustained yield (OSY), which he defines as: “.

          Theses and Dissertations Directed:

          Deer use of gut piles in Northeastern Michigan forest habitats. M.S. Thesis. John Varnell (2011 completion)

          Economic analysis of private white-tailed deer management and breeding.

          M.S. Thesis.

          In October, the Department of.

        1. Rather than finding innovative new management techniques, these guys seem to obsess on proving the old ones don't work.
        2. James Kroll, a private-land deer manager from Texas, released his interim whitetail report for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
        3. In October, the Department of Administration (DOA) selected Dr. James C. Kroll to be the Deer Trustee.
        4. As a more reasonable and realistic middle ground, Dr. James Kroll, suggests, shooting for optimum sustained yield (OSY), which he defines as: “.
        5. James Hudiburgh (2011 completion)

          Using animal-mounted video cameras to study whitetail behavior. M.S. Thesis. Andy McCrady (2011 completion)

          Using infrared-triggered cameras to census bobcat (Lynx rufus) in east Texas.

          M.S. Thesis. 2006,  Matthew Symmank (co-major professor).

          Landscape Level Analysis of Rutting Behavior in White-tailed Deer.

          The sampling was statistically too small with only one test and one "control".

          M.S. Thesis. 2004. Charles Anderson.

          Monitoring Changes in Landscape Patterns of the Angelina National Forest, East Texas.  (Doc, Dissert.). 2000.

          In October, the Department of Administration (DOA) selected Dr. James C. Kroll to be the Deer Trustee.

          Qingzhou Li.

          Estrus Synchronization and Timed Artificial Insemination in Captive White-tailed Deer. (Thesis) J. D. Sellers, 1998.

          Effects of Estrus Synchronization on Breeding of Captive White-tailed Deer. (Thesis).

          A. J. Smalling, 1998.

          Prediction of Di