Jannene behl biography for kids
Born and raised in Pacific Palisades, I initially pursued studies in music and classical piano at Santa Monica College and UCLA before fully dedicating.!
Featured artists include Peter Adams, Jannene Behl, John Cosby, Steve Curry, Rick Garcia, Derek Harrison, Ray Hunter, Craig Nelson, Jordan Pope, Thomas Van.Jannene M. Behl
December Pot Luck Dinner
It was a relaxing and enjoyable evening. Besides the food, we also had a raffle and a Mini Art show that ended with two people tied for first place!
Jannene Behl, a native Californian and award-winning painter of pastels, was born in Hollywood, California and grew up in Malibu and Pacific Palisades.
Congratulations to Patti Hume and Bennett Levin on their winning art. I also want to thank Cheryl Neuenkirk for donating an attractive punch bowl to the club. It will be perfect for our exhibit receptions.
Photography Exhibit
Eleven Women Photographers from National Geographic.
Over 100 Photographs Exhibited until April 7, 2019. Forest Lawn Museum, 1712 South Glendale Avenue, Glendale, CA 91205 Hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10AM to 5PM / Admission: Free / Parking: Free https://forestlawn.com/exhibits-and-events/museum/Information about this exhibit submitted by J