Volko merschky biography of donald

          Tattoo by Volko Merschky and Simone Pfaff..

          Trash polka

          Tattoo style

          Trash Polka is a tattoo style created by tattoo artists Simone Pfaff and Volker Merschky in Würzburg, Germany.[1][2] The characteristics of Trash Polka tattoos can be a combination of naturalistic, surrealistic,[3] and photorealistic motifs with graphic, lettering, and calligraphic elements primarily in black & red.[4]


          Trash polka is a mixed media form of tattooing that is created with various, non-limited components.[5] Detailed photo-realistic portraits can be displayed in conjunction with graphic elements such as large black areas, brush strokes, and geometric or abstract shapes.[6][7] The tattoos are traditionally in black and red, but other colors can be used as well.[8] The style is often cited for its use of color contrasts, such as complementary contrast, that create an optical effect.[9][10] Abstract designs and realistic mot