Kingdom of kongo

          Kingdom of kongo religion before christianity

        1. Kingdom of kongo social structure
        2. Kingdom of kongo religion
        3. Where is kongo
        4. Kingdom of kongo geography
        5. Kingdom of kongo religion...

          Diogo Cao

          Portuguese navigator
          Date of Birth: 01.01.1440
          Country: Portugal

          1. Diogo Cão: The Portuguese Explorer
          2. Prelude to Exploration
          3. The Discovery of the Congo River
          4. Exploration of Angola
          5. Unfulfilled Ambitions
          6. Legacy and Impact

          Diogo Cão: The Portuguese Explorer

          Early Life and Royal Lineage

          Diogo Cão hailed from a noble Portuguese family.

          His father served King Afonso V, and his grandfather served King João I. His lineage played a significant role in his appointment as a captain in the Portuguese exploration fleet.

          Prelude to Exploration

          In 1481, King João II ascended to the throne and continued the maritime explorations initiated by Henry the Navigator.

          Diogo Cão's mission was to extend Portugal's reach along the western coast of Africa, past the previously discovered Gold Coast.

          The Discovery of the Congo River

          In December 1481, Cão led an expedition to the Gold Coast.

          Sailing south, he discovered the mouth of the Congo River, which he initi