Executioner pierrepoint an autobiography pdf free
"Executioner: Pierrepoint", an autobiography by Albert Pierrepoint, gives the life story of Great Britain's most famous hangman, in his own words..
For the first fifty-six years of the last century the name of Pierrepoint appeared on the short Home Office list of qualified executioners for Great Britain.
The British public were officially discouraged from listening to the Lord Haw-Haw broadcasts which always began with the infamous words, ‘Germany calling, Germany calling.’ Just three months into the war, however, the News Chronicle reported that Lord Haw-Haw’s ‘Views on the News’ broadcasts were listened to by about 50 per cent of the British public.
Cassandra’s popular column in the Daily Mirror thought the problem was with the BBC’s dreary output, saying that it was time to ‘get hold of a news-broadcaster with real incisive personality’:
The BBC has never seemed to be able to rid itself of the polite, charming and somewhat effeminate young men who nightly mince through the news.
Haw-Haw has ten times the punch of any one of them … Are they still going to go on lisping their nightly way to defeat on the air. Or is somebody going to get a chance to get in front of the microphone and put over our point of view in accents slightly less reminiscent of well-bred motor salesmen